Measurment Solutions


Bit error rate testers (BERTs) are usually the initial step for communications testing. These instruments generate digital test patterns, typically pseudorandom binary sequences (PRBSs), that drive devices under test (DUTs)...

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Digital sampling oscilloscopes are essential tools for evaluating the performance of transmitters using jitter and eye diagram analysis. They are sometimes applied in unison with a BERT. The BERT generates the digital test pattern...

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For testing cables and interconnects, we offer the ideal tool: A time domain reflectometer (TDR). Time domain reflectometry/transmission can be used to test network return loss (S11), propagation loss (S21)...

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Optical clock-recovery modules are required when a clock signal is not present to trigger the oscilloscope or when it is better to use the embedded clock present in the data stream, such as for 100G Lambda optical signals...

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An optical switch box is needed so that automated test platforms can permit the system to measure the performance of transmitters and receivers at multiple wavelengths or channels...

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The solution includes application development, including DUT load board design, and embedded high throughput application libraries. These solutions will enable fully automated, at-speed testing up to 112 Gbps of high-speed...

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With the accelerated growth of hyperscale datacenters, Ethernet network infrastructure performance demands are increasing exponentially, and customer expectations for high-speed data throughput are at an...

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