Home > Products > Data Center Test Solutions > OSFP 800G > LB > ML4064-LB-112
The ML4064-LB-112 is an OSFP800 passive electrical loopback module which is a hot pluggable form factor designed for high speed testing application for OSFP800 host ports. The ML4064-LB-112 is designed for 800 Gigabit Ethernet applications and provides 8x112G RX and TX lanes, I2C module management interface and all the OSFP800 SFF hardware signals.
8x112G OSFP800 Loopback module, programmable power dissipation up to 17.4 W. I2C terminated by microcontroller, MSA memory map with programmable new pages. Industrial temperature range -40 to 85 °C available upon request. Part number ML4064-112-17.4W-IND.